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The Conduits' Mission

What's in a name?

Upon initial consideration the definition of The Conduits may appear basic; however,  just beneath the surface lies so many exciting offshoots and derivatives from which we can draw profound meaning and guidance.  

We chose this name with significant forethought and rumination!  You are a Conduit, I am a Conduit... this is a Community of Conduits.
Conduit Definition (Merriam Webster):
1 :  a natural or artificial channel through which something is conveyed.  

Positive Energy:
  • A Conduit might be a person channeling out their spirit and energy.
  • A Conduit may be a human delivering radical consciousness via one’s mind and expression.
  • A Conduit may be a person enlightening a pathway for others toward peace and calm.
  • A Conduit is this website, our YouTube Channel, or other social media seeking to uplift others.
  • A Conduit is a pathway to a higher power whatever that might mean to us as individuals.
But, as in all things, there is duality.

Negative Energy:
  • A Conduit might also be someone who is channeling an artifice (trickery, deception, purposeful misinformation, guile)
  • A Conduit could be a culture accepting of put downs and degradation.
  • A Conduit could be any source looking to cancel and destroy others rather than looking to understand and forgive.
  • A Conduit might be someone looking to incite emotion and create division.

Mission Statement

  • To encourage our community to bring forth and cultivate their internal spiritual presence - whether it be lying dormant or fully invigorated.  

  • To teach our community how they might harness deeper esoteric wisdoms, universal energy patterns, and spiritual philosophies, in a pragmatic way.   

  • To prepare our community to tap into their intuitive senses to overcome challenges, hone skillsets, improve confidence, and excel in their individual purpose.

  • To inspire our community to be conduits of service for others