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Conduit of the Month (June 2023)


Tru's YouTube
Tru's Podcast
Tru's Website
Tru's TikTok

Part 1  |  Conduit of the Month (Tru)

Tru's Bio

My name is Tru, I am a Atlantean Reiki and Lemurian Light Reiki healer working on my meditation coach diploma. I have 3 wonderful children, 16, 14, and 5 years of age. My spiritual awakening started in 2012 and took full on beginning in 2018. From then I have had many breakthroughs, brought light to many behaviors, beliefs, and identities that I adopted throughout this lifetime. I felt that I emerged from my cocoon in May of 2023 when I was able to connect with my inner child. Experiencing this I felt it was time to get serious about my purpose, so, my partner, Brendon and I took the leap and opened our business (Quantum Mosaic) helping others awaken to their multifaceted self with sound, art and energy healing along with awareness that we have learned through our experiences. 

Quantum Mosaic Website


We sat down with Laticia to learn more about her fascinating journey.

See the full interview in your Group Membership with The Conduits CM1 (Part 1) CM2 (Full) and TFM3 (Full).

Music Credit:  Still Waters by Greater Still